How we manage your Data
Data Protection – how we look after the information you give us.
General Data Protection Regulation information – in accordance with the new Data protection regulations the Data Controller is Maureen Stevenson.
We value all the information you give us and will treat it confidentially and ensure that we protect your data. We will not pass it on to a third party (unless we need to for your protection or the protection of someone else as laid out in the contract agreement made at the beginning of counselling, or under a legal requirement, e.g. terrorism, drug money laundering; or via court order for disclosure)
General Data Protection Regulation information – in accordance with the new Data protection regulations the Data Controller is Maureen Stevenson.
We value all the information you give us and will treat it confidentially and ensure that we protect your data. We will not pass it on to a third party (unless we need to for your protection or the protection of someone else as laid out in the contract agreement made at the beginning of counselling, or under a legal requirement, e.g. terrorism, drug money laundering; or via court order for disclosure)
Data is held in the following format by Renew in respect to clients’:
Process notes and contact details will be destroyed after 7 years by incineration. This is deemed to be a reasonable period by the counselling professional regulatory bodies, and allows for continuity of client returning for further therapy and/or issues arising from therapy ie legal proceedings.
- Electronically on a laptop or mobile phone. This is only the name and/or email address of a client only for booking sessions and consultations, and it’s not linked to any other information.
- Mobile and/or landline numbers for the purposes of contact.
- Email addresses for the purposes of contact.
- Hand written details of address/G.P. address for the purpose of contact in an emergency or to send out agreed information by post.
- Hand written ‘process notes’ of our sessions to remind me of themes and interventions that we used in session. This is aimed to provide the best therapy possibly. There s=is generally little specific detail of the sessions we have had.
- Your name for phone/calendar / email to enable appointments scheduling/cancellations and other contact that ensures you receive the best service.
Process notes and contact details will be destroyed after 7 years by incineration. This is deemed to be a reasonable period by the counselling professional regulatory bodies, and allows for continuity of client returning for further therapy and/or issues arising from therapy ie legal proceedings.
Under data protection law you have the right to access a copy and explanation of your personal data that we hold:
For more information about your rights under the data regulations please see the Information Commissioner|s Office ICO.
- to request correction or erasure, in certain circumstances,
- to request limiting or ceasing data processing, where applicable
- to compensation for substantial damage or distress caused by data processing, where applicable (ie where data is inappropriately/carelessly shared to others without your knowledge).
For more information about your rights under the data regulations please see the Information Commissioner|s Office ICO.